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In 2021 the Green Office held the first ever Sustainability Week from the 4th until the 9th of October. Below you can read about the Sustainability Week events. Through Sustainability Week, The Green Office aims to inspire students and employees of THUAS to be more sustainable.


During the Sustainability week, The Green Office partnered with the store Reshare to create WE-SHARE FASHION.

The goal of this project is to create awareness surrounding sustainable fashion through thrifted clothing. During this project 53 items were sold and Reshare gained attraction. You can donate clothing to the Leger Des Heils or buy second hand clothing to be more sustainable! The Green Office says no to #fastfashion.


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Plastic cities was an initiative of visual art created by Carolien Adriaansche. Carolien has been working with plastic waste for over 25 years and refers to herself as a waste teacher. over the years, Carolien's work has allowed her to acknowledge society's plastic addiction and its consequences, such as climate change. The image to the left shows several floating cities from plastic waste created by Carolien. During this project, students at THUAS donated their plastic to build THUAS first student built plastic city . This project brought sustainability awareness amongst students by having students provide raw materials.


The Green Office THUAS conducted research on the topic of student mobility/ exchange. The main focus was the under- represented groups, those who face struggles when going on exchange. The Green Office's research showed  these groups did not participate in exchange abroad. The Green Office organized a information session addressing  

social problems and economical obstacles these students face. Based on the research, a few tips to help THUAS students to have a better experience abroad are provided on our Instagram

The goal of this session was to inform students about the different possibilities for exchange. With this session the Green Office aims to achieve a more inclusive and diverse student mobility at THUAS.




How is sustainability, inclusivity and social justice taught? What is the connection between the Sustainable Development Goals and the various topics taught in the bachelor programmes? What role do the teachers play in this?


The Green Office conducted research on these significant topics during the Sustainability week. Amongst students and teachers, we investigated what is already present in programmes, what challenges teachers are facing with these topics, and what they might need to succeed.


A team of students conducted in-depth interviews with a hundred teachers throughout the university. We will report on this site what the outcomes are, and we will make sure to discuss this with relevant stakeholders in the university.

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Food is a great way to reduce CO2 emissions and waste. Each student and staff member can contribute by opting for change. But how do we feel about sustainability and food? During the Sustainability week the Green Office and students from Nutrition and Dietetics will conduct tastings, and investigate if people are willing to make any changes, big or small. In collaboration with Eurest Catering and the research platform Global Citizenship, we will launch the Food Council. Together with students and staff we want to make a plan to promote and enhance a sustainable cafeteria and food-options at our university in the near future.


The faculties of Business Finance and Management and Management & Organisation are both supporting the Green Office student-assistants. They were eager to learn what Sustainability, Inclusivity and Social Justice could mean for their bachelor programmes. Together with ethical banker, Koen de Vidts from the Belgium Bank NewB, we developed a workshop to explore the possibilities for business professionals to integrated these topics. The workshop is for students, teachers and staff connected to these faculties.


How do young people from The Hague engage with the topic of sustainability? How sustainable is their way of living? What do they know about Europe’s sustainability politics? And what are their views on climate change?

Inititiatives of Change and Buro EU have searched for answers!

Buro EU is a mobile pop-up office (photo exposition) that has collected young people’s views on sustainability and climate change. We present you their #SustainabilityStories, including portraits shot by Pablo Serrano Medina.

What are your thoughts on sustainability? Test your knowledge and share your ideas by playing the Sustainability Game. During the Sustainability Week from 4 - 8 October, Initiatives of Change will visit The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Make sure to visit us!


The THUAS mission for waste collection and removal is to become a ZeroWaste educational institution by 2030 in which non-recyclable waste will be reduced to 0. THUAS recycles its waste as much as possible, both in public areas as well as behind the scenes. You will find recycling stations all throughout the buildings. So help out with our ambition and don’t make much waste, and if you have waste, use the right bin! Visit us in the Sustainability Week!

ZeroWaste: Live WasteLab

This 'workshop' will focus on waste separation in an interactive way. You can roll up your sleeves and start sorting out your own waste. We provide gloves and aprons. Of course you can ask the workshop leaders anything in the field of separation waste. So you know how to separate your waste.

ZeroWaste: WasteWaiters  

The Waste Waiters do not serve drinks, but come to collect empty cups and other waste in the restaurant! The Waste Waiters also give instruction on the proper separation of waste.


Minimalisme gaat over de essentie, over dat wat écht belangrijk is in jouw leven. Door het overtollige te verwijderen, blijft er meer ruimte over voor rust, vrijheid en geluk.

Interactieve presentatie over minimalistisch leven door Jelle Derckx, auteur, acteur en blogger.

Met een hoofd vol zorgen ging Jelle Derckx op reis naar Brazilië. Deze reis en een boek dat hij meenam, veranderden zijn leven. Terug in Nederland begint hij minimalistischer te leven. En krijgt hij meer tijd en ruimte voor de dingen die hij écht belangrijk vindt. Minimalisme gaat over het overtollige verwijderen. Meer ruimte maken voor rust en voor dat wat voldoening brengt. Maar hoe pak je dat aan? Het overtollige verwijderen?

Jelle vertelt open en eerlijk over zijn zoektocht. Over successen, maar ook over zijn frustraties. Met zijn inspirerende lezing maakt hij minimalistischer leven aantrekkelijk. En na zijn down-to-earth tools en tips sta je te popelen om zelf het roer (wat) om te gooien!


Verwarmen met waterstof? Kan dat dan al? Ja hoor, dat kan al, maar voordat dit grootschalig toegepast kan worden, duurt nog even. Maar we moeten er nu al wel rekening mee gaan houden! Is verwarmen met waterstof dan een goede oplossing? Precies dat soort vragen moeten we oplossen. We gaan van aardgas af en moeten dus een nieuwe manier hebben om o.a. onze gebouwen te verwarmen. Daar zal waterstof een rol in spelen. Welke rol, dat proberen we o.a. uit te zoeken in dit project en daar vertellen we jullie graag over.

We nemen jullie mee in de achtergronden om te begrijpen waarom waterstof een rol heeft, wat de alternatieve energiedragers zijn en welke specifieke rol waterstof kan spelen. Daarna gaan we in op ons RVO subsidieproject “Hydrogen Heating Studies”, waarvan we penvoerder zijn. We delen de uitdagingen die we tegenkomen. Als uitsmijter geven we onze student in het project het woord. Hij zal zijn rol en bevindingen met jullie delen en belichten wat een student hier van kan leren. We sluiten af met een Q&A. Bedenken jullie alvast wat vragen voor ons?

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